


Don't look into her eyes! Women manipulate men using mind tricks without them even knowing

Isn't that what women have been doing for centuries? Men aren't even complaining or being aware.... It is becoming common place for men to allow the seductive manipulation.... actually its encouraged by men.

Men don't even realize that their minds are being controlled thanks to covert method that uses subtle physical, visual and verbal cues.

7/30/21 - we have all been hypnotically influenced

In Hypnotic Influence the mind of the person affected, whom we shall call the “subject,” is rendered passive by a flow of mental energy calculated to render it more or less drowsy or sleepy, and therefore less calculated to set up powers of resistance to the Thought-Waves of the person being the influencer.




 Are these three words hypnotic? Think about how these are used to influence or affecting you.

7/31/21 - more research

Hypnosis is a therapeutic technique in which people that know the way make suggestions to individuals who have undergone a procedure designed to relax them and focus their minds....

How much do you need to relax, right this instant? 



8/5/21 - found in an HR manual 

Women can be powerful allies for each other at work. Find ways to advance your female coworkers and push back against gender bias. Together, we can go further faster. 

(I find this happening more and more, at the exclusion of men naturally. Too subtle for men to actually take notice.)

8/5/21 - Since I was searching around......

How would you like this situation.... ?  I find it fascinating.

The first thing I noticed about six weeks after I was castrated was that I lost all sexual urges and the ability to become erect. I really didn’t notice at the time since I had lost all of my male sex drive. i had quit touching my penis except to urinate.

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